Yuka App Usability Evaluation

Project Synopsis

Yuka is a health and wellness mobile application that aims to provide users with the knowledge needed to make more health conscious decisions when shopping for food and beauty products. The app allows users to scan the barcode on the packaging of food and beauty products using their smartphone camera, and then they are provided with a health rating of the product. They can then view a list of both healthy and harmful ingredients, and an explanation on the potential health impact of ingredients and additives with risks. Yuka then provides users with recommended alternative products that have a higher health rating than the original product.


UX Researcher and Group Facilitator

Course + Timeline

This project was completed from January 2023 through March 2023. It was a part of the course UXD 260 - UX Research and Evaluation at DePaul University for the B.S. User Experience Design program.


Amar Pattabiraman

Sarah Shewaye

Iliana Tovar


Doordash Mobile Redesign Prototype